• Release date : Nov 18 2023 - 07:47
  • View : 582
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Appointment of Dr. Mohsen Golkar as the Head of Gifted and Talented Students Division at School of Dentistry

Dr. Mohsen Golkar was appointed as the head of the gifted and talented students division by order of Dr. Sorna Vahabi,Dean of the faculty.
Dr. Fatemeh Mashhadi Abbas, the former head of gifted and talented students division, was recognized for her efforts in the past years. It should be noted that on Monday, November 22 of this year, at the same time as this appointment, the room for gifted students of the faculty was opened
in the presence of the dean of the faculty, the vice president of student and cultural affairs, the director of administrative affairs and a group of
gifted students in the basement floor.
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  • News code : 134885


