Dr. Hossein Navab Library
School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
The Library International Standard Number: IR-200880140
The Faculty of Dentistry library was established in 1966 and is located on the fifth floor of the Faculty of Dentistry with an area of about 300 square meters and a study hall of about 80 square meters. Academic staff members, assistants, students and faculty employees can use all library services by submitting a membership application.
The library aims to educate, inform and provide research facilities in the field of dentistry and basic sciences with a collection of 5,000 Persian and English book titles (more than 12,000 copies) and about 5,000 thesis titles and access to specialized journals in the field of dentistry. As well as book lending, it offers the library members the possibility to read English and Farsi articles needed by the visitors, the possibility of reading theses, making copies of the collection of educational videos and electronic books available in the library, searching in databases and holding Search skill workshops. Non-member visitors can benefit from all the above-mentioned services, except for book lending.
Objectives of the library
A) Supporting the educational, research and therapeutic goals of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences by providing the information needs of researchers, professors, students and other users.
b) Applying modern library and information methods and advanced information technologies in order to make optimal use of human resources, resources and facilities in order to spread information faster, increase access to it and actively provide services.
Library user community
The user groups that can use its services by presenting the necessary documents in the library of the member faculty include the following:
1. Undergraduate Dentistry students
2. Prosthetics students at undergraduate level.
3. Post-graduate residents
4. Students of fellowship courses.
5. Faculty members.
6. Faculty employees.
7. Students of other universities and researchers. (Can be used only in the study hall)
Searching for resources in the library
• It is possible to search for library resources through www.dlib.sbmu.ac.ir. In this database, in addition to searching for library resources,
you can also search for resources in other faculties of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
• Also, to find the book you want, you can also use the markings on the bookshelves that are marked by subject.
• In addition, use the help of the librarians at the library's loan desk to get guidance.
• In order to search for a thesis, in addition to the above-mentioned site, you can also use the subject books of theses, and by giving the
reference number of your desired thesis to the library librarian, you will be able to read the thesis in the library.
Contact the library
• Address: 5th floor, Faculty of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University, Student Blvd., Evin
• Contact phone: (+98) 21-22179193
• Fax: 22421814
• Email: dentistrylib@sbmu.ac.ir